Liturgical Ministries
Sanctuary Care / Decor
The sacristans are involved in several different areas of sanctuary care, including laundering of altar linens and server's surplices and care of candles. Decorators assist with seasonal liturgical décor.
Memorial Flower Arrangements
Each weekend of Ordinary Time parishioners have the opportunity to make a monetary donation for flowers that are placed in front of the altar in honor or memory of a loved one. Arrangers purchase the flowers and prepare them for display.
Extraordinary Ministers
Parishioners are invited to participate as Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist. Eucharistic Ministers assist the celebrant at the altar and with the distribution of Holy Communion.
Mass Coordinators
Coordinators make ready physical requirements for celebration of the Holy Eucharist (i.e. wine, hosts, chalices). The coordinator also insures availability of participants in the celebration (i.e. lector, servers, Eucharistic ministers).
Our Ministers of Hospitality help to bring a spirit of warmth to the members of the gathering assembly by welcoming them at the doors of the church. They assist participants in the liturgy in locating seating. They collect the monetary offering of the congregation and distribute the bulletin after Mass. There are no regular meetings; but ministers must arrive 15 to 20 minutes before Mass begins.
Readers proclaim the Word of God in the first and second readings at Mass. Any adult (including high school students who have been confirmed) with good oral communication skills is invited to participate. Each lector receives a yearly copy of the Workbook for Lectors and Gospel Readers. Training is provided and scheduling is flexible.
The servers assist the priest at the altar during the Mass and at various other liturgies. All 4th graders and older are eligible to enroll in the training program.
Collection Counters
Teams of four Collection Counters meet after the 8:30AM Mass to count and deposit the weekend donations. The process takes approximately an hour.
Ministers to the Homebound
Special Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers to the Sick and Shut-ins distribute communion to parishioners who are unable to attend Mass. Ministers take the Eucharist to homebound parishioners. Each minister takes the Eucharist to an average of three or four homes once or twice each month.
Adoration Participant
Eucharistic Adoration and Exposition begins following the 5:30PM Mass on Thursday evenings preceding the First Friday of the month and continues through the night until Benediction at 8:15 AM on the First Friday morning. Signups are for one hour beginning at 5:30PM Thursday continuing to 7:30AM on Friday. We spend an hour with our Lord in adoration as a sign of our gratitude for all the Lord has done for us, and we especially ask our Lord to grace His Church with vocations to the holy priesthood.
Music Ministry
Music is a vital component of the liturgy and the Music Ministry encourages the participation of everyone present at Mass. The many activities within the music program provide opportunities for all to experience the rich liturgical tradition of the Catholic Church. The enhanced sense of community, camaraderie and personal achievement that develop from service to your parish are well worth the time invested! Our Music Ministry includes the following:
Cantors lead the assembly in song and also proclaim the Word through the responsorial Psalm. Some experience in singing is desired. There will be an informal audition, and ongoing training is provided.
Parish Choir
Sings at the Sunday 8:30am Mass, September through June. Although there is no audition, it is helpful to have some musical training, including experience reading music. Teens through adults are welcome. Weekly rehearsal: Sunday after Mass. There is no midweek rehearsal.
Youth Choir
The Youth Choir sings at various Masses throughout the year and also in December for the Service of Nine Lessons and Carols. This is a children's choir for beginners through Middle School. Rehearsals are scheduled as needed.
Instrumentalists are welcome additions to our liturgies. They are informally auditioned and the ability to read music is essential.