John Stephen Dwyer
The King's Men
Men of the Parish...
• Have you had a tugging in your heart to change your life?
• Have you realized there is something more that God is calling you to do and to be?
• Have you tried making New Year’s resolutions and then see them dissolve?
• Do you ever wish there would be others that you can discuss the issues men face today?
• Do you have a Christian friend you can talk to in confidence?
The King’s Men is a men's group at St. John’s that can help you do that. Men today are besieged by attacks on their purity, integrity, and even their masculine identity. TKM ministry educates, heals, strengthens, and launches men to be integral leaders of their families, their churches, and their communities.
We welcome you!!
Every Wednesday from 6:30-8:00PM in the the Library at St. John’s.
Men’s Night Out with Father:
typically on the 2nd Thursday of the month - contact the parish secretary to confirm.