For Those Who Are Wanting to Become Catholic or for Those Catholics Who Want to Learn More About the Faith, there will be RCIA classes held year-round - including the summer - (Tuesday nights 7:00 to 8:30pm). Please call 812.876.1974.
Welcome Table Volunteers Are Needed!
We are in need of volunteers to staff the Welcome Table, especially for the 5:00pm Saturday, and 7:30am Sunday Masses. The commitment would be to staff the table after Mass for 10 to 15 minutes, in order to answer questions and to help people make connections with activities or groups they may be interested in. If you would like more information, please stop by the table, or call Dean Wells at 876-3434.
Want to learn more about our Catholic Faith?
Please contact the parish office, if you are interested in borrowing one of the many Symbolon DVDs (or you may click the link under the Faith Formation tab, above, and access the series online). They are excellent videos that strengthen the knowledge of our beautiful Catholic faith.
Bloomington Gregorian Chant Group:
Interesed in learning to sing Gregorian chant? The Schola Gregoriana of Bloomington is looking for new members (Catholic and non-Catholic) to sing joyfully to the Lord. Please consider joining us. Practice is every Monday 6:30-7:30pm at St John's. We sing at Masses once a month. For more information, please contact Brent Stamey at 812-876-1974.